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Report on Legal Literacy Competition (28.04.2024)
Posted on 29/04/2024
Report on Legal Literacy Competition (28.04.2024)
A district-level legal literacy function typically involves organizing an event aimed at promoting legal awareness and education within a specific district or locality. These functions often include various activities. The goal is to empower individuals with knowledge of their legal rights and obligations, promote access to justice, and enhance the overall legal literacy of the community. The district level legal literacy competition 2023-24 held at GCG sec-14,Gurugram under the guidance of DGHE Panchkula. Different colleges from Gurugram district participated in this event. Government college sec-9 participated in 7 events and won prizes in following events:
Documentary: 1st Position and 3rd position
On the spot painting: 1st position
Debate: 2nd Position
Declamation: 3rd position
Dr. Mukesh did judgment in Poem recitation and Mr. Ajay kumar did judgment in Debate in this District-Level Legal Literacy Mission 2023-24. The event was concluded with closing remark, emphasizing the importance of legal literacy in promoting equality and justice.